ד"ר ניר עברון | Dr. Nir Evron

Evron, Nir. “Realism, Irony and Morality in Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence.” Journal of Modern Literature, Volume 35.2, Winter 2012. pp. 37-51.

Evron, Nir. “Against Philosophy: Yaakov Shabtai’s Past Continuous as Therapeutic Literature,” Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, Volume 14.1, Winter 2016. pp. 33-55.

Evron, Nir. “Edith Wharton in Tel Aviv: the Curious Case of Undine Spragg.” Edith Wharton Review. Volume 33.1 Spring 2017.

Evron, Nir. “‘Interested in Big Things, and Happy in Small Ways’: Curiosity in Edith Wharton.” Twentieth-Century Literature Volume 64.1, Spring 2018. pp. 79-100.

Evron, Nir. “Foreign Means to Local Ends: Bialik, Emerson and the Uses of America in 1920s Palestine” Journal of Transnational American Studies Volume 9, Issue 1, 2018.

Evron, Nir. “Who Values the Humanities?” The Times of Higher Education (December 13, 2018).


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